Error reading query

I did a simple app which only has a button and a listpicker to test the use of spreadsheet, specifically, obtaining only the data of the row where column B equals X. In this case I tried using 1 both as text and number and still doesn't work. The app reads the following:

Here is the an screenshot of the blocks of the app and the csv file:

Show your example data on the spreadsheet. Is spreadsheet permission set to at least "Anyone with the link can view" ?

Show your full query url, it should look like this:<SPREADSHEETID>/gviz/tq?tqx=out:csv&tq=SELECT A WHERE B = 1 order by A

You should also move your setting of listpicker elements to the Web1.GotText block

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Export your .aia file and upload it here.

The spreadsheet is already with that permission.

I also tried with the query url you gave me and it still doesn't work.

I will post the AIA File in the comment below.


Test_UriEncode.aia (2.5 KB)

In this file I URL is the original URL I was using and GivenURL is the URL recommended that was recommended to me in this post. None of them worked.

I already found the issue, I forgot to add space between the select A Where B when using the join block.

Thanks for your help

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