Hi all, i am new to App Inventor. I am trying to follow chapter 13 but found that it is not able to access the Amazon api. The following messages appears: 404. That’s an error.
The requested URL was not found on this server. That’s all we know.
You are working with this tutorial Amazon Bookstore in Dr. Wolber,et al’s book.
Sorry, this no longer works. Amazon changed their api several years ago that made this once possible and started charging for its use. The book was published about 2014. Time marches on. There is no simple solution.
The api is broken. Amazon deprecated their books api some time ago (why the original site is gone). This means the Amazon API can not longer be used. A 404 error indicates the server was not found, probably because the link is no longer valid… Amazon changed the way they allow developers to access their APIs some time ago. The tutorial in the book dates from about 2014.
MIT said in 2019 they would try to find a graduate student to create a fleshed out tutorial to do something similar with an api. MIT deleted the Amazon tutorial from the list of MIT tutorials a year ago (because it is no longer appropriate.), I assume someone is working on an alternative tutorial at MIT but maybe they abandoned the effort. I don’t know.