Error Message while using Companion

I am getting the following error while I am using Companion App.
java.lang.stackoverflowerror: stack size 8188kb

I have nearly 1000 blocks on that screen, and the error is actually arising when I start entering value in a Password Textbox.
I guess, this is due to the large number of blocks in the screen.
Please help.

(Canned Reply: ABG- Export & Upload .aia)
Export your .aia file and upload it here.



Things to look for:

Event cascades (One event triggers another then another ...)

Procedure calls eventually calling themselves ad infinitum

Lists that link to themselves

I have one app with more 9.000 blocks and it runs well with APK and Companion.

Are you using this block ?



Yes, I have used

Is this block causing the problem?

(Canned Reply: ABG - Download those blocks and post them here)

Please download and post each of those event block(s)/procedures here ...
P.S. These blocks can be dragged directly into your Blocks Editor workspace.

See Download Block Images for a demo.

Thanks, but the issue is resolved. Thank You for the help

Thank you so much. It solved the problem.

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