Error in checking if the user is at the db or not

Hello, I have a problem for my project which is due later at 1pm and I happen to see this problem where in the if else part when you click the login button, its just executes the if block even though the db has contents (see the listview). I have been debugging this for a few days and still not figured out where it went wrong. (The screenshot contains block of codes and the companion at the right part of screen)

update: I changed the sequence in the if else block, I moved the checking if empty block in the if block and the not in list at the if else block. Then change the "and" part of the checking if empty block to "or" but the not in the list still didn't worked

Solved. The bug is in the separator that I used differently on both text box and I was told that the compiler gets confused so I changed them to have the same separator "_"
Screenshot (628)

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