Error in application after compilation

An application that used to compile and run before the update now shows an error.

Runtime Error
Failed resolution of: Landroid/support/v4/view/ViewCompat;

Does the app contain any extensions? If so, the extension author will need to update their extension to use the AndroidX libraries as Google has deprecated the older Android Support libraries and we are no longer using them in App Inventor.

If the app doesn't contain any extensions, please let us know what components you're using in the project so we can try and track the issue down.

Uses a lot of extensions ... Now I have to figure out which extension is causing the problem ...

Given that the error has to do with ViewCompat, any extensions that manipulate views would be a good starting point.

I found. This extension causes an error.

I have to replace them with something to make clickable labels. I think such basics should be in appinventor.

I just installed the app indicated in the link on Android 9 and it works for me.

p193i2_click_label_image2.aia (32.8 KB)

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Ok. Maybe removing the extension removed the blocks that were causing the problem. It continues to test.

The cause of the error is perhaps even greater compiler limitations than they used to be. I've removed various extensions, but actually removing a lot of blocks fixes the error. My application is about 9,000 blocks. It used to compile normally and now with errors. The .aia file is about 1300kB

If you can privately send me the original project with everything intact I can run some tests on it to determine what change is causing the issue.

I send. Thank you.

I noticed that quite often I get the message that the server is busy.

The above error is caused by the extension "Phase" and "Half menu". After removing the extension, the above error does not occur and the application starts.

Did I miss something? I don't find that in the nb184 release notes and remember this post (→ first sentence):
"Certainly not in the near future and possibly not for quite a while."

However, this is good news because Kodular has to do the same (so that Kodular can update ExoPlayer to the latest version that requires AndroidX).

But why were the extension developers not informed earlier so that they could adapt their extensions on time.