Error from Companion: The operation ActionBar cannot accept the arguments: , ["false"]

My App changes screen after 20 seconds. But it yields the following message on a blank screen on my web browser. I am unable to find the ActionBar here.

Error from Companion: The operation ActionBar cannot accept the arguments: , ["false"]

Please show your relevant blocks.

Any extensions being used ?

No extension have been used... The screen named BillBook does not have any blocks.

Capture_scr1 Capture_scrbillbook

Is the aia coming from another builder?

No. Not running another builder. I am using AICompanion.

How do you Titlebar settings look?

Screen1 has TitleBar settings set to "Not Visible". While in case of Screen named BillBook has TitleBar visible.

Just tested that but that is not causing an issue when using the companion.

Ok. So I made TitleVisible in both the screens and now I no longer get the Error but I find a blank page being shown in between the transition.

What android version are you using and the theme?

You are also not stopping the clock before switching screens


Android Version is 10