Error from companion; Native Object error; irritants not found

Hiya! I keep getting these errors:

I don't understand what could cause this error to pop up. I've searched through the forum, and found no help for my situation.

The error pops up here in specific:

The list is four dictionaries:


I've used the global variable "dict_list" in other places as well, but it hasn't caused me problems before this. Any ideas?

Does your code run OK if you use an Android device? App Inventor for ios has issues with dictionaries; it is a bug.

Here is a link to others using dictionaries with ios

I would test it, but unfortunately, I can't update the MIT AI2 app on my Android device for whatever reason. I'll try updating it again and see if the code works.

Update: I got it to run, but I have a new issue.

I don't even use the "lookup in pairs" block anywhere, which is confusing to say the least.

Your image has an issue

The red x indicates you have at least two instances of the for each item B;pvl
It appears you have duplicate code. Clear this mistake and your code might work on ios. :thinking:

That actually isn't it in this case! It's just the error from the "Do It", haha.

I'm not sure if iOS supports Dictionaries yet. Probably only the latest test version.

Theoretically, I could just make them lists. I'm only using dictionaries, due to how comfortable they are to use.

Dictionaries should be available though. I don't have an iOS device to test it.

They are. But considering the amount of issues I'm running into, and how many issues others are running into due to dictionaries on iOS, I might as well just use lists really.

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