Error from Companion: error: undefined variable. (irritants: yail/

Error from Companion: error: undefined variable. (irritants: yail/

Doing a school project and there is this error that keeps happening every time that MIT App Inventor tries to access my spreadsheet. Its been several days and I cant figure out anything, I even just started doing random things seeing if I can change the error and the error stays static.
Nahrgang_121.aia (4.1 KB)

Looks like you are developing with iOS, the Spreadsheet component does not yet work for iOS....


This appears to be an ios Project,

Does your code work with the Android Companion and a real device?

This could be an ios issue.

im supposed to use an andriod device but for some reason none of the components are uploaded when I use an andriod. I might just need to upload the current project again, we think it is a bug.

just did so and it seems like it still has a blank screen when using an andriod.

Do you have a Google Developer account? You need one to use the Spreadsheet component for Android devices.

In order to utilize this component, one must first have a Google Developer Account. Then, one must create a new project under that Google Developer Account, enable the Google Sheets API on that project, and finally create a Service Account for the Sheets API.

Instructions on how to create the Service Account, as well as where to find other relevant information for using the Google Sheets Component, can be found here.

Are you using a new enough version of the Android companion? The Spreadsheet component was introduced in companion version 2.65. If when you start the App Inventor companion it shows an earlier version, you will need to upgrade.

Your text boxes have their proper hints.

You are not, however, uploading the Textbox.Text values in your Submit button.

This is how:

For Spreadsheet setup, see