Error en el cargue de fotos a drive

Hola a todos, desarrolle una apk para poder exportar fotos tomadas del telefono a google drive y posteriormente para ser guardadas en un google form, esto me funcionaba pero ahora me arroja un error que no entiendo que puede ser,

Exactly what is your app doing at the moment this error is shown?

Show your relevant blocks.

Comparto proyecto
test2_camera2 (1).aia (102.5 KB)

It would help if you showed your google apps script, and confirmed that it has been correctly deployed on your own google drive (and that you are using the correct url)

I see that you have also hard coded your app ASD path. This is a bad idea. You can use the blocks from one of the extensions you have used to provide this.

Comparto el script

You have not answered this ?


(this looks extraordinarily long...)


(not handled in the script)

Cuando intenta cargar la imagen con el appscript aparece el error

To debug

Remove blocks from the bottom of your btSelect.Click event, then test. Keep doing this until the error no longer appears. Then you have possibly found your problem blocks.

Or you may want to start with the blocks in your Web1.GotText event.

You also may want to update your extensions to their latest versions (where possible)