Error: Block workspace did not load properly. Changes to blocks for screen _Screen2 will not be saved

Block workspace did not load properly. Changes to blocks for screen _Screen2 will not be saved.

Hello S_A

This is a known issue. If you close your Browser (FireFox or Chrome, do not use any other Browser), re-launch it, run App Inventor again. The App Inventor Splash Screen should show Version nb184a and your Project should load correctly.

Please let us know how you get on.

у меня версия nb 185
после обновления
использую браузер Chrome
когда меняю язык на английский все правильно загружается!
на русском нет

I think that might be a coincidence - the issue was in nb185, which was temporarily withdrawn and nb184a restored. The fixed nb185 is now with us - try your Project in Russian again and let us know if you still have an error.

Tengo el mismo problema. Cargue el proyecto en inglés y se solucionó el problema.

OK Chaps

What I said about nb184a is in fact wrong, sorry about that.

MIT has just released nb185a and this should fix the issue, it has been pre-tested by other Users using non-English Projects.

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