Error "bad arguments to random integer"

Greetings again,
I'm new to programming, and I'm developing a game app, in which the objective is guessing a random number. I've finished it, just like our instructor taught us, but when I install it into my phone, and I try to use it, it opens up an error which says "bad arguments to random integer. I don't know how to fix this, so I adjunct a screenshot from the error and a .aia file from the app.
Any kind of help will be useful,
Thanks in advance.
Joc_numeros.aia (298.8 KB)

If you are asking for help, I recommend you to make it as easy for others to be able to help you ...
You probably will get more feedback then...

which means in your case post a screenshot of your relevant blocks...

To download the aia file, upload it to App Inventor, open it, do some bug hunting for you, etc... this takes time, and most people will not do that...
Thank you.


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by icon24 Taifun.

Replace label.text with textbox.text


Thanks! What a dumb mistake....

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