Error: Attmpted to create second instance of HiddenComponentCheckbox singleton

I'm working on a project for over a year or something, and at some point when loading it, I see a brief error message pop up saying

Attmpted to create second instance of HiddenComponentCheckbox singleton

before about 1 seconds for the editor to pop up on the screen.
I think red text is bad news so I'm asking it here: Is this error safe to keep editing or do I have to do something to my project?
My project .aia file size is currently 1952KB.
Here's a view of my chrome console logs:
(3) SEVERE: System error: Attmpted to create second instance of HiddenComponentCheckbox singleton

You can ignore that error

This is appearing on two student accounts. We have switched laptops and tablets for the AI Companion. Still having issues with the error appearing on load and then the companion shows errors.

I would start by making sure your Companions are up to date.
If that doesn't help, export aia files and upload them here.

Show these errors ?