Error - argument to Makeinstant should have

Thank you all for highlighting this beneficial information
Yeah I got the point and I am trying to work on it
since the CSV file was saved in 24 time format (i.e. HH:mm example : 17:00 instead of 05:00 pm)

Now I need to work on it to re saved it in 12 hour time format
I hope it will eventually work

Also I won't forget to thank @TIMAI2 for his idea :clap: :

I would like to understand where exactly the problem is. Post the aia or better a small test aia (and especially the CSV file or a small test version of it).

It all looks unnecessarily complicated to me. The comparison between the current system time (time of day) and a specified time in the HH:mm format should not be a problem. I also don't see to what extent the time format (24-hour format) should be a problem here.

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Thank you for getting back to me

The app is working fine especially on mobile phones
But sometimes displays the above alert that I posted in the beginning
Sorry ti be so picky , Argument to MakeInstant should have form .............................. etc

It appears more often on android TV screens (or Android TV box that converts normal TV to Android TV Screen)
It appears specifically when the app move to a screen and return (the screen will close and open another after timer of 120,000 Millis)

I don't really know why this happens?
I don't even understand why it is more stable on mobiles but less stable on TV screens ?

Here's the main the screen

and here's the screen that it will open when the time for prayer is due

Then it will return by itself after 2 minutes time

This is the first app for me
I don't have the same experience you have guys

I tried every possible thing and I strongly beleiev that it needs a tiny modification but I have no clue
very challenging for me
2023_24.csv (26.5 KB)

Please find in the attachment the CSV file

Thank you in advance


(Canned Reply: ABG- Export & Upload .aia)
Export your .aia file and upload it here.

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Thank you

prayer_publish_NoGraphic.aia (18.3 KB)

As already said a few times

and NOT hh:mm:ss


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Alright thank you so much

Q please
What's the best way to do comparison between two times?
Is the way that applied in the above aia file is ok
or it's better to use an extension like Tformat made by @Anke ?

I would use the methods from the clock component


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Where is this not supported?

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The error message came from the MakeInstant method


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Hmm, means? What about my blocks?

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Your blocks are correct
To get the error message, do this

EDIT: This 10:00 would work, try a time in hh:mm:ss to get the error, for example 10:00:00


Returns an instant in time specified by MM/dd/YYYY hh:mm:ss or MM/dd/YYYY or hh:mm.


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Keine Ahnung, wovon hier die Rede ist. :upside_down_face:

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The only thing that must not be changed are the slashes (/) in the date.
MM/dd/yyyy or M/d/y etc works, but not MM-dd/yyyy

or: MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss a or MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss a or MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss or HH:mm:ss
... because these also work.

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You might want to suggest a more user friendly error message


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Thank you to all of you guys
I am so grateful your suggestions and guidelines that you all mentioned above

I will modify some blocks accordingly and see

:pray: :+1:

I've changed the date to MM/dd/YYYY
and the time format to HH:mm:ss

it seems working fine

:clap: :clap: :clap:

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Exactly, that's what I'm talking about all the time.

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