Error : "application has stopped "," this application reduces the performance of your device ... "

when I want to install the application made by appinventor, and I start using it, the application crashes "application has stopped “,” this application reduces the performance of your device … "

Thank you for your Helps

Hi @kamal_raoui,

Is this an App Inventor app that you made yourself or that someone else has made? If it is your own app, if you download the blocks as a PNG file and share it here we might be able to help you understand what’s causing it to crash.

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ok. thank you very much

I created 3 pages :

  1. scren1 = splash screen
  2. PagePrincipale :
  3. PagePresentation:

when I don’t use splash screen it works very well, I think splash screen the source of the blocking.

Make sure that if you are doing this to set TimerAlwaysFires to false in the designer and in the Chronometre event set the active flag back to false. Otherwise, your app will keep creating new screens over and over again until your phone runs out of memory.

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thanks you very much

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