Error al enviar correo


Tengo una lista
la he convertido en texto dentro de una etiqueta
Envio etiqueta por correo

Al recibir el correo no está el texto de la etiqueta al completo.

use Do it and provide a screenshot including Do it results
also which text will be provided and which part is missing?
see also tip 4 here
also it might be a good idea to use a correct email address and subject…


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.

Buscaré otro método porque no lo consigo

I used this bloks and it works

Thank, Taifun

the mail
is the email of the active gmail user on the mobile

Is there a possibility that this email is a default that is not registered in the gmail account on the mobile?

that is, an email from a third party
such as the creator of the apk

Not if you want to use the activity starter method which opens gmail on the device. You will need to use another mail method:

is it paid? IFTTT

Did you look?


veo otras alternativas como extensiones

see here

On the Free plan, you can enable up to five Applets. Either create them yourself or choose from the millions of published Applets that have already been made.
