Error 908 the permission read Andriod Ver 13

I am facing a problem with not reading, but I am able to create files, but I cannot read Android version 13, so what is the solution?
error 908 the permission read external storage has been denied Please enable it in the settings app.
But I use AllFilesPermission

I set a block like the example you sent me, stopping the message when running, but some settings did not work correctly

I need Read FIle TXT and I need Wirte txt

There seems to be another bug with the File component.
Try to use my MFile extension.

I checked it, it should work (in your case).

please send example aia :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

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First try something yourself and test my new APK:

Post a screenshot (should look like this)
