Error 908: The permission android.alarm.permission.SET_ALARM has been denied

Hello, I was testing using the Taifun Alarm extension and this error appeared that I put in the title, I've tried going to the cell phone's settings to give permission for the MIT companion and I've also tried using the Emulator but nothing works, what do I do?

Build the app as an .apk, and install the .apk file on your phone.


Taifun's example .aia only worked when I compiled/built it.

Or see here (build your own Companion version, that contains this permission):

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I did that just now and it still didn't work

From the documentation App Inventor Extensions: Alarm | Pura Vida Apps

Note: You will have to build the app to be able to test it, because the companion app does not offer the required permission.

Download the example project, build it and install it on your Android device. Then test and let us know, how it works


I already did and the error still persists

Which Android device and Android version are you using for your tests?
Any screenshot of the eeror?

Im using a samsung galaxy a7 (2018)
Android Version 10

what happens, if you use the example downloadable from here


It worked fine and I received the alarm on the time.

Ok, great...
This was actually the example project I asked you earlier to test

So it looks like earlier you used the companion app to test...


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