i am changing the code using refresh gallery but dont save the image in the route using the timer
where is the error? i dont gave an error please help me
i am not pushing blocks randomly i am trying to use the guide blocks in pure vida apps with a logic. maybe my poor experience using extension and my intermediate level logic can be confuse. sorry about that but my objective is save the canvas animation inside the windows canvas using the block save canvas filename in a list of images
Your blocks make no sense at all, and neither does the title of your topic ("Error 706"). First explain exactly what you are planning and what the goal is (step by step).
See also here:
Btw, the TaifunTools.GalleryRefresh method works only with an absolute path, as I've pointed out multiple times (e.g. /storage/emulated/0/Pictures/...).
ok i understand my project is make a list of images saved using the block canvas save as filename using taifun file and taifun tools. my blocks are in the part top. my step for working first is using a button to enable a clock and the clock can collect every image saved using block canvas save as filename.