I Understand this topic is looked over multiple times, but even following all that i’m not able to resolve this.
Here I’m opening two pdfs stored in assets of the app. Taifun’s file extension is used to create an app specific directory and copy the pdfs in that directory.
So when i get the FileStatus as ‘True’ i.e. the files are available in AppSpecificDirectory, what i’m doing is opening a pdf using activitystarter. But it is showing “Error 601: No corresponding activity was found”
currently i’m following a tutorial http://kio4.com/appinventori/19activystarter.htm
i’ve attached the blocks i’ve used
another app, which was started using the activity starter is not able to access the app specific directory, you will have to copy the pdf file to the internal sdcard and read it from there
btw. my pdf extension is able to open a pdf file directly from the assets of the app…
Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.