Error 511: could not fit 4077 into 1 byte

Dear @Dilu_Dinu,
what kind of help do you expect ?
You have explained nothing about your app. What I can see is that you (probably) use an AI2 app to interface a Bluetooth device. With this hypotesis, it seems that you send or receive some "bytes" with the BluetoothClient blocks.
If this is what happens, it is clear that the number 4077 cannot enter into a byte (a byte is a 8 bit quantity, therefore from 0 to 255). Probably you have to change tha way in which you transmit (or receive) : instead of "bytes" use "text". There is plenty of tutorials and posts regarding the coomunication toward BT devices (typically Arduino). A search in the forum or a sight to @Juan_Antonio 's or @ChrisWard 's web sites will explain "everything" about BT comm's.

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Please help me sir

The text of the error explains everything. You are trying to send the number 4077 in 1 byte. 1 byte is a maximum of 255. You cannot send a number greater than 255. Either use a 2 byte send block or convert the program to send text.

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Subject edited to

Error 511: could not fit 4077 into 1 byte

Please use meaningful subjects and keep it like this
Thank you


As everybody has already said, you connot fit a number larger than 255 into a byte.
Since in your blocks I see that the sliders can reach values greater than 255, you shall use the following block instead:
Or, as said by Patryk and myself, you can send the data as text, leaving the job to convert it in a number to your receiving device.

Please keep in mind this rule of thumb: "more detailed is the question, more precise will be the answer".
All the best.

PS: 2 bytes can contain numbers ranging from 0 to 65535 (unsigned) or from -32768 to 32767 (signed). If you want to exchange data whose values are outside these limits, neither the 2 bytes block is enough (it's worth to say).

How to solve this problem sir

How to solve this problem sir

... all PU answers have already said the same thing: the solution is to use a block that sends two bytes instead of only one (the picture in my previous post), or to use a block that sends a text, then you have to convert the text into a number on receiver side. Unless you want that we write the code on your behalf (but that's not the aim of the forum), now is up to you to implement it.

(Canned Reply: ABG- Export & Upload .aia)
Export your .aia file and upload it here.

Also up load your sketch.