Error 2103 or List of permissions and webviewer

my first goal was to make a list like a table. Thats not possible with a listview only with a label in Monospace. A nice html table would be fine.
I want Webviewer to show a produced tabelle.html file (With header body etc):
I store the file in /meineDaten/tabelle.html
But Error 2103 said i cannot.
Problably permission error?
So I ask for permission: "Write_External_Storage " and upcase( "Write_External_Storage " )
But geting an permission.denied event.
Now :thinking: :thinking:

  • Where is a list of permissions (it is not in the referende neither a link) to check if it is right
  • How to give the permission?
  • Why can webviewer.WebViewString not display the WebsiteText?

    I looked for a tutorial that may cover the issue, but for webviewer is no tutorial, only for WW + firebase or Java.

what about adjusting this solution to your needs?
Dynamic table layout with any number of rows and columns including table listpicker

without a screenshot of your relevant blocks we only can guess... and currently I'm not in the mood to guess...


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by icon24 Taifun.

[quote="Horst_Schulze, post:1, topic:27509"]
I store the file in /meineDaten/tabelle.html

But Error 2103 said i cannot.
Problably permission error?

without a screenshot of your relevant blocks we only can guess... and currently I'm not in the mood to guess...[/quote]

Yes. here it is.

That's fine. Thanks.
I see, the problem is to store the file. as html.
But when I want to create a simple page like var(s.a.) I cannot store it.

What android do you have?

I believe there is a bug in the current App Inventor webviewer that does not allow generated html at the moment, and a fix should be coming in the next release.

you get that error, because you are asking for permission and before the premission has been granted you already are trying to save...
therefore you should ask for permission in the Screen.Initialize event...
also let me suggest to ask for android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE ...


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