Error 2103 guardar archivos

Buenas tardes, he tratado de exportar información de una base de datos pero al momento de guardarlo me sale error 2103, ya vi un post que decia de crear la dirección que mencionan, ya lo hice pero aun asi me sigue mandando el error.

estoy comenzando, ¿hay alguna forma de que a mi base de datos la guarde en una dirección especifica donde si se pueda guardar la información?

se los agradecere

Welcome Mary.

which is probably an Error message that it cannot write the file to a specified address or folder.

Yes, depending on your Android version; Android 11 and 12 are fussy about where you have permission to store files. There are only a few folders that App Inventor is allowed to write to.

It would help if you tell us which database you are trying to export information from; App Inventor can be used with several databases. It would also help to get advice if you post your Block image. Why? Because what you need to do with regard to file saving depends on the database you use and the type of data you intend to store.

This tutorial might be helpful Some basics on Android storage system

mi base de datos es local esta en tinydbd

First read how to ask a question and follow that guide.... the information you are providing does not help anyone to be able to help you...

It would really help if you provided a screenshot of your relevant blocks, so we can see what you are trying to do, and where the problem may be.

To get an image of your blocks, right click in the Blocks Editor and select "Download Blocks as Image". You might want to use an image editor to crop etc. if required. Then post it here in the community.


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by icon24 Taifun.

esta es mi imagen, se que algo estoy haciendo mal, esto es nuevo para mi

Pay attention to the filename you use for your heading and for the detail lines.

They are different from each other.
I would expect you would want to write the detail lines to the same file as the header line?

Also, though I have much less experience with the Android file system than the other Power Users, I suspect you are building your file path wrong. I usually see /DCIM/ higher up in a path.
I also wonder if that is even allowed, unless you do it right.
See FAQ Section: Files

P.S. The variables in your event block lack the adjective 'global' or any language translation of that word. Also, your use of item as a table row and as a list index is strange. Find a way to display your text before sending it into a File, so you can debug it.

Muchas gracias, resolví mi problema, era mas fácil de lo que pensaba. Gracias por su apoyo.

Como lograste solucionarlo?