Error 2001 the file could not be found on your device

I'm trying to generate a pdf file and send it via whatsapp, but everything I try, I get the same error.
Can someone please help me?

  1. Use the 10 blocks: Create10/AddPage10/Finish10
  2. Because you are saving your pdf to the ASD, you do not need to ask for WRITE permission
  3. remove the / from your filename in all places
  4. The pdf is saved to:

so use the ASD path and the filename as your path....


Thank you,
now it works and I can send the pdf.
I just have one problem left, I can't see my text in the pdf file.
Can you help me with that too please?

pdf_6 (2).pdf (897.6 KB)

You have white text. Suggest you change your text color.....


Não sei o que estou fazendo de errado.

You are using Kodular. You should ask on that community

I suggest you look at the documentation for the pdf extension, and test your file paths.

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I've already researched the Kodular community. But come look here to see if you can find a solution. My biggest difficulty is finding the correct path for the PDF to be saved. I will try your code. Thank you very much for your attention.

Na verdade eu estava cometendo o erro de não colocar os blocos corretamente ... segui rigorosamente seus blocos e funcionou direitinho. Muito obrigado mesmo. :slight_smile: