Error 1109 URL not valid!

no it does not

Please stop posting the same blocks over and over again. You are practically spamming at this point.

ok sorry:Only 2 of the blocks are repeated, there are differences in the others

Well sorry then, they looked identical to me.

Please answer this question....

no, I do not know

Try using this block for each of your form entries:

for example:


This option I tried does not work.

OK I believe I see a possible issue. The locale for your spreadsheet sets decimal points as commas , not full stops . . AppInventor only works with full stops as decimal points. If, as it appears, you are sending one or more items with decimal points, your spreadsheet is converting then to commas, then when these are called back to the app from the spreadsheet, they break the csv formatting.

Remove the Web1.Get block out of your Web1Add.GotText. Are you able to submit data to the sheet without any errors ?