Error 1103 when trying to send via post using wifi companion

my url dont get ? and same not working. i am trying use do for see what is the problem maybe. i dont know other solution...

maybe i get some bug trying to call the answer pushing the input values...

i am using do it in the block web1.gotText and its working and the problem is send the message using call web1.posttext maybe some service in windows is not sending to the hosting.

can you share your aia?

pruebasalvar (1).aia (2.2 KB)

this is my aia

Disable this:

If you enable that then you will trigger the event GotFile, instead of GotText

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now its working why the save response block the send message post to the hosting?

When you enable that option, your response will be saved in a File, instead of receive it in GotText (responseContet). The name of the file where the response would be saved must be defined in ResponseFileName property.

The Web component, and PostText method work the same in both cases, except for the answer that I have already commented.

Why did you tick it in the first place ?