Error 1 in extension Microbiit_Led: Bluetooth Device is not set

Hi, I've gone through the write to LED / draw Smiley tutorial with Microbit.
My phone shows that Microbit is a connected device. The status on the inventor app also says that the Microbit is connected. Yet when I click either buttons Draw Smiley or Write to LED, this error message comes up "Error 1 in extension Microbiit_Led: Bluetooth Device is not set". Does anyone know what caused this?

I am using bluetooth extension version 20190701 and the microbit firmware is 0253.

Did you set the BluetoothDevice property to the BluetoothLE1 component in the designer? BluetoothLE1 represents the connection, but the Microbit_LED component needs to know which connection to talk to (e.g., you could connect more than one micro:bit using multiple BluetoothLE components).

I have a similar problem too.error 3300 error 1 in extension micro bit uart : Bluetooth Device is not set.

It shows everything fine and the data sent from microbit are all properly received by the phone. Yet when I press take picture and recognized by the AI extension. The data sent from App are not received by microbit.[ Error 3300 error 1 in extension micro bit uart : Bluetooth Device is not set] is shown.
The bluetooth extension is 20200823 and microbit is v2

I have the same problem. Have you solve it? Thanks