Good morning or good evening:
can you help me, to create a zoom as per the subject of this request.
Thanks in advance.
Perhaps use the phase extension for this
Add a special purpose Clock Timer for that, adjusting the Height and Width Percentage attributes until they fit.
Hello everyone and thanks for the quick response, but I am not able to do what you advise me, I can only hope for your patience, and that you provide me with the complete blocks. Otherwise, don't worry, it doesn't matter, because I would understand that I asked for a burdensome and laborious task to carry out.
bigButton.aia (2.5 KB)
I went for a square button first
This if you want height and width 90% filled with button
and please use the MIT App Inventor Help category when asking a question like this (most of your questions... ).
And if it was oval what should I do?
Also to make it a perfect circle.
As far as you refer to the help category I will follow your advice.
And if it was oval what should I do?
Also to make it a perfect circle.
As far as you are referring to the help category I will follow your advice.
Sometimes when I press the send post button, it gets stuck.
And lately also the loading of the site and I notice slowness in the changes to the blocks.
For both methods, just change the button shape to oval in the Designer
Great thanks.
Sorry, rereading the previous post of the planner I missed your sentence "it is unlikely that chatgpt "gets" AppInventor".
That would be a real pity, I would get it to every AI.
But do you realize how many apps would be born, from those who do not know how to program but have revolutionary ideas of apps. of great utility.
Many pseudo programmers would be born who would approach app inventor exponentially, and many would ask for more advice and the community would expand a lot.
Think about it after seeing what I will post, and change your mind, indeed hurry up to share app inventor but with the obligation that it is always free.
Soon I will post you an example that I hope will be useful to many and that thanks to yours and the advice of all those in the forum as well as examples of.aia, I managed to create and for someone like me, who by now knows what difficulties I have, it was like having built that famous spaceship that I gave you an example of in another post.
If I had also had the help of AI, but with blocks I would have been able to do it better and faster.
Anyone who loves programming will never go away.
If I violate any rules please inform me, and I will not post anything and close the discussion.
The help you have given me so far with complete blocks is an example of this.
You have acted as AI, saving me a lot of time and perhaps even with time available I would not have been able to realize your blocks, as has already happened.
I have not (or I hope I haven't
When you go to a restaurant, do you ask them to cut your steak for you?
When you go to a gym do you ask them to do your exercise?
This is an educational site.
What did you learn, other than how to ask others to do your work?
"In fact, I've learned that even if you don't know how to program entirely, you can learn a lot from those who do and you can achieve a lot even if others only provide you with small, but fully functional, parts. If you can then connect these parts thanks to your limited programming knowledge, but also to intuitions that would otherwise remain in a drawer, you can sometimes create objects that can make a difference.
It might not be my case, but surely others have benefited from your every suggestion and help, and have not asked to cut the steak, because they didn't even have it, but to make every part of it available, to rebuild it in another way, perhaps even better and tastier, or at least to experiment with doing so.
Otherwise, they would have been cut off from any experience, also undermining the educational mission, regardless of the individual's preparation, otherwise one would make the mistake of discriminating.
As far as AI is concerned, evolution goes on, whether we like it or not, and we should always be ready to ride it, if it brings advantages in knowledge, for anyone belonging to any social class or having any physical or mental problem. Moreover, this is what MIT does, whether it's a piece of advice or part of blocks or complete blocks, and what the student who makes your project a great project will be able to achieve.
Don't worry you didn't, I was joking.
But it was equally helpful. Thanks again so much.
Not sure what, if anything, in the three posts above, has to do with zooming a button ?