Enable Auto Backup Option Under Settings Menu (on by default)

Hello All,

If you would kindly take a look at the proposal and comment, I’d very much appreciate it.

Thank You,


I commented directly on GitHub.

How do you measure the interval between exports per project?

So what I currently have set up for myself is that, every 60 minutes, a zip backup of all projects at once, and the keystore, if one exists, is made. The code is set up to measure the interval in minutes like this:

  private class EnableAutoBackupAction implements Command {
    public void execute() {
      autoBackupTimer.scheduleRepeating(1000 * SettingsConstants.PROJECT_AUTO_BACKUP_INTERVAL_MINS * 60);
      MessagesOutput.getMessagesOutput().addMessages("AUTO BACKUP ON - every " + 
    		  SettingsConstants.PROJECT_AUTO_BACKUP_INTERVAL_MINS + " minutes");

The constant, as defined in SettingsConstants.java, is:

public static final int PROJECT_AUTO_BACKUP_INTERVAL_MINS = 60;

If a user does a manual backup in between the set interval, that does not affect when the next auto backup is made. The interval is always measured from the time the last auto backup was made.

I have a couple of hundred projects, built up over years.
I might edit maybe two of those a day.
I don't think my PC or MIT's servers could survive the hourly
tidal wave of backups such a setting would produce.

Is there an incremental backup alternative, where the last backup timestamp
is kept with the user profile, and only projects with a modified timestamp after
the user's last backup are downloaded?

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LOL :slight_smile:

Wow, I didn’t consider that scenario.

Yes, given the possibility of what you describe, that refinement definitely seems to be justified. I will look into it.

