Emulator Needs Code?

Hi! I am a middle school student. This is my first time working with App Inventor. When I opened up the emulator, everything worked fine, until the actual app on the phone opened up. The app asked me for a 6 digit code or QR code. I am not sure where to get that from. Could somebody please help? Really appreciate it!

Which one? The emulator is different from an actual phone.

  • If you're using the emulator on a computer, use the Connect > Emulator function to launch the emulator, which bypasses the 6-character code.
  • If you're testing on a real device (phone or tablet) using the MIT AI2 Companion app, use the Connect > AI Companion menu option to get the 6 character code. You can either type the code in or scan it by clicking the "scan QR code" button.

You started the debugger.

You need to have started coding a Project at ai2.appinventor.mit.edu, which will give you the connection code from the Connect-> menu.

Thank you!

Thank you! I actually just deleted and re-installed the emulator. It worked after that.

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