I have tried every which-way to get my emulator fired up. The emulator has an icon on my desktop. I click it and, when the window opens, I start AI2 and click the Connect tab and "Emulator." The emulator never completely loads and I am at a loss. I followed the advice of other similar topics to no avail, even changing a recommended setting in Windows.
I am running Windows 10 with Chrome on an HP laptop. I have attached a couple of screenshots hoping someone will understand the code and tell me where I am failing. Thank you for any additional suggestions.
Is there a guidebook that explains all these messages? I didn't have this much trouble setting up AI2. All these exceptions and I don't know why.
Also, would you please explain "adb tasks?" I googled the term and it seems like it is necessary only for establishing a connection with my Android phone and I already have that real-time testing worked out. It is simply that I believe the emulator will help me find errors/results in my code.