Emulator Issues


I have tried every which-way to get my emulator fired up. The emulator has an icon on my desktop. I click it and, when the window opens, I start AI2 and click the Connect tab and "Emulator." The emulator never completely loads and I am at a loss. I followed the advice of other similar topics to no avail, even changing a recommended setting in Windows.

I am running Windows 10 with Chrome on an HP laptop. I have attached a couple of screenshots hoping someone will understand the code and tell me where I am failing. Thank you for any additional suggestions.


It looks like the noise my auto gives when I turn the ignition key when I have not heard the engine start up noise and it is already running.

Use Windows Task Manager to make sure you are running clean when you invoke aistarter.

Terminate any emulator and adb tasks that you see left over from before.

OK, but this morning, after starting my computer, I tried again. Two hours later, this is what is being displayed on the blackboard:

Is there a guidebook that explains all these messages? I didn't have this much trouble setting up AI2. All these exceptions and I don't know why.

Also, would you please explain "adb tasks?" I googled the term and it seems like it is necessary only for establishing a connection with my Android phone and I already have that real-time testing worked out. It is simply that I believe the emulator will help me find errors/results in my code.