Emulator hanging

Running emulator on Mac OS 12.3. I kept getting aistarter not running error, rebooted, no luck. I then reinstalled the app inventor software, thinking it might have something to do with the latest update. Now emulator just hangs. There are 2 aistarter processes running when I view Activity Monitor, but nothing ever happens beyond the message saying the emulator is starting. Any help/advice appreciated.


A student of mine is having the same issue. Any help?

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Mac has a built-in Firewall. I checked that it is turned off. Then I pinged http://localhost:8004/ping and got status OK. I opened the Application Monitor and checked that aiStarter process was there. Any thing else we can try?

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reported to MIT. A few others are having issues but not all.

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Thanks for the report, Karen. Since we're seeing issues on both Windows and Mac I think this potentially narrows down the problem to something in the client code that needs to be addressed.

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