Emulation with USB and mobile device

I have connectivity with my mobile device over USB (confirmed using the MIT App Inventor 2 Connection Test) . When I opened companion on my phone I anticipated seeing a real-time emulator while I work with MIT App Inventor in my browser. However, I still have to package it and scan the QR code. Is there a way to real-time debug on the phone over USB?




doesn’t work? This is how to real-time debug on the phone over USB. You do not open Companion on the phone if you follow the instructions here Instructions

@SteveJG, Thanks for the quick reply. That did it. Of course it seems like it should have been pretty intuitive to go to the “Connect” drop-down. I was laser focused on the setup page (that you linked to) that when it did not make reference to this final step, I punted. Thanks for the help.

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