Empty the Backpack

Hola. Estoy usando "app inventor" en una tablet (navegador Chrome y Opera) y no consigo vaciar la mochila (empty the Backpack).
Al pulsar en la mochila no muestra su contenido y con una pulsación larga no muestra el menú desplegable para poder vaciar mochila.

Un saludo, Gracias.

If you want to empty the backpack, then open app inventor in your laptop or desktop and right click on it and choose Empty backpack.

Hello José

Ensure your App Inventor Trash is emptied, then open a new empty Project and try emptying the BackPack from there (right-mouse click on the BackPack).

We have seen this issue before, almost always when there are 'a lot' of Blocks in the BackPack. If you do have a lot of blocks in there, you may need to wait several seconds for a Prompt to pop-up.

I see a different problem here. He's using a tablet, no mouse, so he can't right-click the menu.

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Ok, pero no tengo ordenador aquí.
¿Es posible vaciar la mochila con la tablet?


Just tried on my Ipad. Same problem. Doesn't work. I was only able to drag something into the backpack but can't open it or empty it.

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Hola Patryk.
right-click es equivalente a "long press" en la tablet, pero en Backpack no funciona. Al pulsar en el fondo blanco, a veces sí aparece el menú desplegable.

Un saludo, Gracias.

Hi again José

I completely missed the point that you are using a Tablet. What is the Operating System, Windows 10?

Formal Microsoft advice:

To do a right-click on a Windows 10 touch screen, touch and hold down your finger on the selected item for a couple of seconds. Release your finger to display the right-click context menu and select your desired option.

I'm surprised that doesn't work on Opera (Though Opera is not approved for use with App Inventor). You could try FireFox.

Hola, el sistema operativo es Android 9.
Con Firefox tampoco funciona.

Un saludo.

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