Elimninare un elemnto da una lista selezionandolo e aggiornando la lista automaticamente

Scusate il quesito era delt utto errato

Seems like the value isn't being returned from the ListView, this may be a potential bug.
Try exporting your app and importing it into the App Inventor Test Server.


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But, if this is the case, OP's case should still work, right?

There is a subtle difference.....

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Sorry I repeated the answers, I still have to learn how to post.

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Sorry I repeated the answers, I still have to learn how to post.

L'ho fatto è funziona, appena selezionato, l'elemento viene eliminato e la lista si agioran automaticamente, se porvi a creare l'Apk lo vedi anche tu..

Sorry which means the abbreviation OP.

OP = original poster (you in this case)

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