Edit Data di google sheet

Use gviz to get and query google sheet data

Apakah Link yang saya sertakan itu bisa di edit?
(Translated - Can the link I include be edited?)

Edited by whom / at what point ?

Maksud saya apakah bisa mengedit tabel ini?

Meaning - I mean is it possible to edit this table?

Well, if you show us how did you create this table then people will help you

Translate - Nah, jika Anda menunjukkan kepada kami bagaimana Anda membuat tabel ini maka orang akan membantu Anda

The html table is generated using a gviz query with "out" set to html.


If you want to call data from a google sheet, then edit it in your app, what do you want to happen next?

selanjutnya disimpan ke google sheet lagi

Ya, you can

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