Duplicate virtual screen content

Hi, is there a way to copy the content of a virtual screen into another one?

the question is, why are you trying to copy? this is considered bad programming practice...

DRY - Don't repeat yourself...

you should separate data and logic and with for example only one screen together with the logic you can handle as much data as you want... no need to copy screens or virtual screens...


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.

Hi Taifun, thanks for your quick response. I understand the DRY principle, though what I’m trying to do is just copy the the layout or framework from one virtual screen to another, the content for each virtual screen is different from each other, so just to avoid spending time repeating the same layout I wonder if there is a way to copy the layout without having to rewrite each virtual screen. The layout consists of four labels and four buttons separated by horizontal arrangements.