Downloading from Google drive

I am trying to download a file from google drive...however no success
Is the problem with the code or google drive?
This is my code

Sometimes google will scan file for viruses and because of this a redirection will happen.
Visit download link in private tab few times, you'll understand what I mean to say.

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  1. As @vknow360 says, what is the file size ? Files under 5mb are usually OK.
  2. Is the file set with "anyone with the link can view", otherwise it will be restricted and you will not be able to download
  3. You do not set a responseFilename, so if the file is downloaded, it will be in your default Download folder (/Downloads or ASD) with a millisecond type file name.
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but how to set a responseFilename?


Place this after the SaveResponse block


I tried following the steps from Ahmed_Fouad and Your suggestions, but it didn't work. Please help from Mr

Thank you Mr.
The following are the reasons why it cannot work as I asked