Download an APK to App-Specific Directory (ASD) and install it without permissions (READ/WRITE)

Here is an extension to download an APK to the app-specific directory (ASD) and install it.
(No READ-/WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permissions required!)
de.bodymindpower.InstallAPK.aix (9.0 KB)

This should work on all Android versions, especially on Android 9 / 10 and even when the app (AI2) targets API 29 (targetSdkVersion=29).


Of course, an APK can also be installed from the external storage (non-app-specific dir), but READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission must be requested in this case.


WOW! I HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR THIS FOR A LONG TIME! If you can please update it to where you can upload an apk to the app inventor and it downloads that apk without having a link required?

@Anke, I use your extension for some time already, very good. Now I am facing a problem say
no method named `App Specific Directory' in class java.lang.Boolean
Can you help me ?