Does anyone know how I can put the zeros to the left?

Does anyone know how I can put the zeros to the left, try with a condition but the detail now is that they are no longer elements, hour and minute, now they are string elements, the detail is before I could fill the list viewer with that data of the hour and minute, now that I use the condition to be able to see the zero I can no longer add to the list of the list viewer because in order to join the hour and the minute the list viewer only accepts me if it is a string element and no longer items

355607050_944500473487982_1591325969657733703_n (2)

Captura de pantalla 2023-06-23 112017

325053190_608877584554747_6418358625126135991_n (2)

Captura de pantalla 2023-06-23 112054
