[<!DOCTYPE"], [1] Tengo este mensaje que me sale al bajar la App

Hola, estoy haciendo una app de inventarios y me funciona perfectamente en el emulador. Sin embargo cuando bajo la APK y la instalo al disposivo móvil me sale el siguiente error:
BAD ARGUMENT TO SELECT LIST ITEM, the operation select list item cannot accept the arguments: ,[<!DOCTYPE"], [1]
Por favor, si alguien sabe lo que pasa?

show your relevant code screen shot. and explain what you are doing with this code.

Hello Kevin, what I want to do is save the files obtained in an excel sheet

I look for the barcode in a database, and I want to modify them in another database

How about showing the blocks that do a SELECT LIST ITEM
and how they get their inputs?

everything works fine, I look for the data in the other database and it locates it, the problem is when saving, there I get the warning


To begin with, you should be using "UriEncode"

Hello, thanks to all, I already solved it, it was just adding a web2 for the new form

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