Displaying chart from google sheet

Thank you very much for your valuable advice and tips so far. The last graph you sent looks very good.

Although it still does not have a horizontal and vertical axis, the grid is OK. The only question is how you managed to get the vertical grid lines (dates are not numerical values).

It is only possible to set a vertical axis line in the spreadsheet chart configuration. problem is, this gets removed when you run a chart update ! :frowning:

You can set the colour of the horizontal gridlines but it seems only all of them...:frowning:

By default there were some vertical gridlines, but i used this option:


to set the number of gridlines to "more" than the number of records. lr is the count of the total number of rows in the data.


Próbowałem, ale u mnie to nie działa

Poniżej cały skrypt

function getData() {
  var id_wykresu_kursu ='1pUDSCLb3TBYHqOqcEaLZQlKj2CPlCVdOL3A-aEDGagk';
  var ile =15;

   var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById(id_wykresu_kursu);
   var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
   var sh=ss.getSheetByName('Sheet1');
   var lastRow_kursd =SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getLastRow();
   var od_ktorego_rekordu =lastRow_kursd  - ile +1;

    var zakres ='';
    zakres = 'A'+ od_ktorego_rekordu ;
    zakres = zakres + ':C' + lastRow_kursd;

  var lr = sh.getLastRow()+1;
  var charts = sh.getCharts();
  for (var i in charts) {
    var chart = charts[i];

  const range = sheet.getRange(zakres);
  var dataRange = sheet.getDataRange();
  var values = dataRange.getValues();

  var chart = sh.newChart()
      .setOption('title', 'Kurs euro')
      .setOption('hAxis.title', 'Data')
      .setOption('vAxis.title', 'Kurs euro')

      .setOption('vAxis.minValue', 4.225)
      .setOption('vAxis.maxValue', 4.325)


      .setOption('series',{1:{annotations: {textStyle: {fontSize: 12, color: 'black' }}}})
      .setOption('vAxes', {})
      .setPosition(2, 4, 0, 0)


You have some doubling up in there...

Is the worksheet with your data on it called "Sheet1" ?


Well, I commented out most of the stuff that is not needed, and it generates a chart, based upon data in columns A and B:

function getData() {
  //var id_wykresu_kursu ='1pUDSCLb3TBYHqOqcEaLZQlKj2CPlCVdOL3A-aEDGagk';
  //var ile =15;

  // var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById(id_wykresu_kursu);
   //var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
   var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
   var sh = ss.getSheetByName('Sheet1');
   var lr = sh.getLastRow()+1;
   //var sh=ss.getSheetByName('Sheet1');
   //var lastRow_kursd =SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getLastRow();
   //var od_ktorego_rekordu =lastRow_kursd  - ile +1;

  //  var zakres ='';
  //  zakres = 'A'+ od_ktorego_rekordu ;
  //  zakres = zakres + ':C' + lastRow_kursd;

  //var lr = sh.getLastRow()+1;
  var charts = sh.getCharts();
  for (var i in charts) {
    var chart = charts[i];

  //const range = sheet.getRange(zakres);
  //var dataRange = sheet.getDataRange();
  //var values = dataRange.getValues();

  var chart = sh.newChart()
      .setOption('title', 'Kurs euro')
      .setOption('hAxis.title', 'Data')
      .setOption('vAxis.title', 'Kurs euro')

      .setOption('vAxis.minValue', 4.225)
      .setOption('vAxis.maxValue', 4.325)


      //.setOption('series',{1:{annotations: {textStyle: {fontSize: 12, color: 'black' }}}})
      //.setOption('vAxes', {})
      .setPosition(2, 4, 0, 0)


(Note: the google apps script is bound to the spreadsheet)

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(Note: Google Apps Script is linked to the spreadsheet) I probably should know this but I don't know how to do it. Please give me instructions for dummies