Display the sentences in screen

It should be Color.
In designer view, you may get all property names.

It should be TextColor

Osama you are never satisfied :smiley:

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Patel I hope this would be my last question.
I tried to to set like this but it was not color

That property only accepts App Inventor color blocks. Please convert the hex color values to App Inventory color blocks, in the Colors drawer.

chech post 83 pls

CompCreator also acceipt #ffffff, or &Hffffffff, or -1672345 for color property.

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What about playing sentences ?

I need to set color for background to highlight each sentence when playing with sound


Would you please explain to me in more details because I don't know how to do it.

When I set the value of component to #b9d5da
and then click Read all it should highlight each sentence with the color

readerDisplayDynamic.aia (159.6 KB)