Display other component once the button "ADD" has been trigged

Hi everyone! I'm currently developing an Application using MIT APP INVENTOR and I'm new to it. So here is my case, I want to create an application that could create multiple rooms like this image this will be my main menu. In creating room I assume a pop up dialog like this image can I do it in MIT APP INVENTOR is it achievable?

Welcome @Janbres_Gagaracruz,

Yes, this is achievable in MIT App Inventor.

See this:

Screens.aia (1.6 KB)

In this file, we use Vertical Arrangements as virtual screens. We will hide them when the screen starts, and show them when the button is tapped.




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Yes, you could use a horizontally-centered Table Arrangement containing all three label-textbox pairs, and the OK button. You can set it's visible property at the start to false. Clicking on the button sets the value to true. Pressing OK can do whatever you wanted to do next, and pressing the close button (you can upload an image and use the button's background image property) sets the Table Arrangement's visible property to false yet again.
Edit: The arrangements need to be tables, sorry :\

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Welcome to the community. Yes it can be done by setting visibility of arrangements to true or false according to your needs

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Screens_1 (1).aia (4.2 KB)
Edit: Just a little improvement on @gordonlu310's code

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Hi sir thank you for this. I actually get the logic of if its quite easy to use however i'm not just familiar the syntax of it. Let's say after the pop message adding "Room names and IP" Will i able to display it after pressing "Ok" something like this image basically all the components that i will need on this image is set visible false right? dumping a lot of components it's fine?

@NishyanthKumar sir can you check the my newest reply to @gordonlu310

this is beast great start for me! thank you very much this community is so friendly!!

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That's the whole purpose of the community; to help people :slight_smile:

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Challenge accepted ;P.

No, only in the arrangement.


I believed it is, there are a lot of community that is so feeling superior when you tried to ask something but then it's fine. You're so great sir thank you :blush:

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Final code, I'll update the previous message too (hopefully you wanted only the UI :sweat_smile:):
Screens_1 (1).aia (4.2 KB)