Digital Potenciometer

Hello there,

I need to make a mobile app to control a digital potentiometer using a slider, but I don't know how to make it vary since the pin is not on any pin of the Arduino I work with, but it can be programmed through its library.

The potentiometer is MCP45HV51, and I want to be able to modify its value through an app over Wi-Fi.

My program is:

Hello Alba

You have not explained what it is you need help with in App Inventor. App Inventor can send the data as you require - your Arduino Sketch must then send that data on to the potentiometer.

Can you explain why you have chosen WiFi instead of Bluetooth?
The pot is a small package with 14 solder pins right?
What Arduino model do you have?

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Hello there,

I need help because I do not know how to send that data with App Inventor, I do not know how to put it to send that data to the potentiometers and that they vary.

I am doing my final degree thesis, and I have done some PCBs to carry out classroom practices and the choice of WiFi belongs to the person who is my tutor, so that in due course the teacher has the way to "enter" each PCB and program it to taste using the university's network.

Thanks for answering.

Do you already have your arduino connected to the potentiometer? Have you already connected your arduino to the wifi network?

I think you should use MQTT. there are many libraries for arduino, and extensions for AppInventor. There are also free mqtt brokers which are enough for teaching purposes.

.... there should not be any space characters in your URL