Digital Loggers curl to Webcall

Need help converting a simple curl command to web component, if that's the correct approach.

Here are two examples from DL website:

// Power ON outlet 1
curl -u admin:1234

// Power OFF outlet 2
curl http://admin:1234@

I think I have the RequestHeaders formatted wrong:

Hi Steve,

I am aware of the noted link and content. I can not figure out how to pass the username and password. Including them in the Url is not working...

Any further assistance is much appreciated...

Perhaps try this way:

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Thanks for the response...

Thanks for the response.

I tried the following, did not get an error but outlet 7 did not activate.

Once I'm logged in (the first time).
an html statement: will work...
the following curl statement also works: curl http://admin:1234@

You do not appear to have converted the admin:pass to base64 or started the content with Basic as per the guidance....

You are correct, I will try as per example and advise.

That worked, thank you very much...

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