Diferentiate error source

If I read 2 text file "simultaneously" and there's a 2101 error, How do I tell which file crashed. The error catcher gives 4 items. Component which is ...file@random number, FunctionName that returns FileRead, errorcode returns 2101 and message that says file not found.

use 2 file components or
use 1 file component and read the files one by one


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.

I couldn't think of a way at first to ID the 2 components' random numbers so I used the 1 by 1 method. The problem is the way AI cues. You can't do one and then the other unless you put the second in the error handler and the after.read I got it to work using a complicated system of flags.

Then I did some experimenting and "found" the component "name" at the end of the properties list. I may re-write it the 2 file way.

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I used the hint as a variable so I wouldn't have to create a global just for this. It works but over-all it's a great way not to do it.

Is there a better way than this? I don't actually use the data here, it's just a central place to verify existence to avoid errors. If they don't exist I re-create them from the master files. The purpose is to have the files in a location where the user can access them by PC.

you might want to to use the Exists method from the file extension
App Inventor Extensions: File | Pura Vida Apps or just copy the files to its destination using the Copy method


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.