Determining a winner

I made a bingo card with pictures on it. When the player hits start all the pictures on the card randomly appear in the box. When that picture appears the player presses the picture on the card and it turns to a red X. That all works fine, except I would like a notifier when they get a bingo. I don’t know how to get the game to notice when a bingo is reached. I tried modifying a tic tac toe tutorial even listing out every possible way to get a bingo, but I don’t know the blocks to get it to recognize a bingo. What I’m trying to ask is there a tutorial or something to help me? It’s the last thing I have to do for this app.



You can look at the examples in the MIT Gallery

You might find a solution there. Otherwise consider posting your existing code Blocks here. We can’t provide an answer/recommendation without seeing what you have done so far. You used a tutorial … which one? You might post its link and explain how it relates to what you presently have coded.

Here are a few screen shots. I only included one screenshot of the winning combos, but I have them all there. Any help would be much help.



You will need to learn the Any Button blocks, and how to use the Component block in a table (list of lists). This sample project uses a lot of the kind of logic you will need …