I can test my App changing the Iphone parameter to 24 NOT but I don't delivery the App for other people because all have the Iphone parameter with 24 YES.
So do I. If you review my screenshot you will note it was taken at 16:41.
To eliminate the chance it was an issue with the locale/language settings, I switched my phone into Español/España, and then simplified your program to just parse a valid datetime in MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss
Can you test on your device and let me know what happens? If you get the error, please also let me know what device and iOS version number it is running.
When hovering mouse point on methods, we can see it's description, but description not showing for helper-blocks. Is it possible to fix this during this update?
And today I have also an error: 2401 IT IS A DIFERRENT MISTAKE FROM YESTERDAY (this error is today, yesterday was not¡ - yesterday was runnning well my aia, but today not)
My first goal is to get it into TestFlight since this issue would be affecting everyone in a locale that perfers 24 hour times. Once that goes out via Apple I will see about getting it also deployed to the test buildserver.
Just to follow up, the build has been uploaded but due to an ongoing issue on Apple's end we cannot currently submit it to TestFlight. Once the issue is resolved the fixes should be available.