Detect NON Data Network

In Android we can detect a NON data network available with the ErrorOcurred event error numbers 1101 and 1103.

Is it possible in iOS?
Now on iOS when we have not network the app becomes stopped and blocked

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Yes, we only get this:


Huau¡ Good. I will try it. Until now I only use for this topic the ScreenError Occured event . I will use this other event for this subject. Thanks.

Hello @Anke
I'm testing your workaround and the message showed is only showed inside the webviewer block and not on Labels 9 nor 10. In my test I have none error-events activated for this non internet connection, neither ScreenErrorOccured nor WebViewerErorOccurred and I think in your test is the same (as the screenshot).

I didn't say anything else:

Okay. I thought this might solve the issue.
We still cannot control in a simple way if we have or not have a data connection on iOS.

I have this on my todo list. I will see about getting it done this week. The underlying issue is that by default iOS allows for network work to be queued for later execution when the network becomes available again, so we never see a cancellation of the operation it just stays pending indefinitely. I think the solution is probably to tweak the URL session configuration to allow it to fail.

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