Design review on my quiz app

Here is another quiz app, but on this topic I would like to get your opinion on design, like what you think about font size and type, colors, button placement.

Also, where would you add ads to this app?

Categorys (Screen1)

After chose Category it open active quizes and results of previous quizzes.

When you open the quiz, questions and answers visible with button Play game (probably I should change it into Submit answers). If you didn't choose an answer for each question, button would be white. After choosing an answer for each question, it becomes green.

Small red error message if you didn't check any answer.

Quiz results.

Notifier. I can't change design.

Login page.

Thanks for suggestions and review!


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Wrong colour, try orange or yellow so that it stands out.

Is sharing email addresses a good idea? Better to offer usernames/nicknames ?

Yes this can be problem. I am using Firebase for login but I can save nicknames . I have to check for duplicate nicknames. How I just cut everything after @ ?

Thanks for color suggestion.

split string with @, select first item of list.

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Let me check one thing. Ads from Admob can't be implemented in app? There is no solution without extension?

You got it

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I add Profile button on Screen1. When you click it you can change username. Until you change it you can't play games.

Duplicate not allowed.

Results page now show usernames.

If you didn't check answer, it is yellow message.